Birch Sap
(Klick: 320;webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015)
- Land: Sverige
- nyckelord 1: pollenallergi
- nyckelord 2: allergy
- nyckelord 3: diabetes
- nyckelord 4: njursten
- nyckelord 6: mackmyra
- nyckelord 7: blaxta
- nyckelord 8: grappe
- nyckelord 9: saxå
- nyckelord 10: pollenallergie
we sell mineral rich organic and ecologic birchsap, birchwine.Birchsap is good particularly at mineraldeficiency, rheumatism, kidney problems and underweight or overweight. Scientists has also discovered that the birch sugar have anti-cancer properties.